Panic Nation is a multi-award winning documentary written, produced, and directed by George Adams. This distinctive documentary examined state sponsored immigration laws with an open, direct approach. The filmmakers looked into the personal and national effects that state immigration laws have in the United States. Since 2007, 46 states adopted more than 240 immigration-related measures. The state of Oklahoma passed the nation's most comprehensive anti-immigration bill known simply as House Bill (HB) 1804. Republican and Democratic lawmakers in both the state's House and Senate voted for its passage with approximately 86% in favor. Some estimate that as many as 80,000 Latinos (documented and undocumented) left the state leaving thousands more living in fear not only of arrest and deportation but of violent, racially motivated crimes. The documentary looked into who was behind Oklahoma's legislation and asked if state sponsored anti-immigration laws were the answer to the issues.
The documentary screened throughout the United States and Mexico including both Univision and Telemundo.
Awards include: Golden Palm Award - Mexico International Film Festival, Best Documentary Award - Broadway International Film Festival, Certificate of Celebration awarded to George Adams from the City of Los Angeles, "Letter of Endorsement" by the LULAC Chapter of Oklahoma City, Voted one of the Top Ten Audience Favorites - DOCUTAH Documentary Film Festival, Director George Adams was recognized by Noches de Oklahoma for his positive contribution to the Latino community.
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